Introduction of JEE Advanced & it’s Comparison with JEE Main

I must start this introductory blog by first of all congratulating the aspirants who are confident of securing marks in JEE Main  sufficiently higher than the possible cutoff. But, it was just semifinal. Main event is still in waiting.

If we think of JEE Advanced, it should be clear that there is nothing much difference between JEE main & JEE Advanced. Both exams have similar syllabus & almost similar type of questions are asked in Main and Advanced. Number of sincere candidates appearing in both exams is exactly same (Non sincere candidates are allowed to take JEE Main but not allowed to take JEE Advanced).

For a sincere candidate, preparation of Main & Advanced go on simultaneously. Generally, those students who have been preparing sincerely for JEE since previous one or two years have a fair chance to qualify this most prestigious school level examination of our country.

Let us now compare JEE Main & JEE Advanced.

Only Four things(in my view) can differentiate Main & Advanced up to some extent. Please see given details..

i)     Pattern of Question Paper :

JEE Advanced asks versatile types of questions (Single Correct Type, Multiple Correct Type, Comprehension Type, Reason & Assertion Type, Column Matching type etc) where as JEE Main asks only Single Correct Type questions.

ii)    Difficulty level of Question Paper:

As JEE Advanced is the final level exam so it obviously asks slightly tougher questions than asked in JEE Main.

iii)   No of Questions:

As Level of difficulty is higher, so number of questions are little less in JEE Advanced in comparison to JEE Main.

  • Remember, both exams have negative marking scheme.

iv)   Extended pressure due to 2 papers  of JEE Advanced:

Most prolific distinction between both exams is number of 3 hours tests which is one for JEE Main & two for JEE Advanced. Two Exam sessions of three hours in a single day actually test worthiness of a candidate for being an IITian. It’s very much difficult to hold your nerves for 2 simultaneous sessions.

Even if above mentioned things make JEE Advanced a very special exam still hard working students need not to take undue pressure about these things as only students belonging to same age group & academic qualification are allowed to appear in exam. Competition is purely fair and this fairly high competition makes it most sought after exam among school students aspiring to become Engineers. Hard work is definitely rewarded. 

All the Best.               

Premanand Srivastava
Founder , Gurukul
B.Tech , IIT Dhanbad
A.I.R. – 08 (GATE-2010).